Legal notices
Kurfürstendamm 188
10707 Berlin – Germany
Tel.: +49 30 28 00 99-0
Fax: +49 30 28 00 99-66
Hendrik Staiger, Jan Plückhahn, Christina Schädler, Matthias Schmidt
Chairman of the supervisory board
Holger Matheis
Board of Directors
Prof. Dr. Stephan Bone-Winkel and Stefan Mächler
Registered office: Berlin
HR-No: HRB 133814 B, Charlottenburg district court , Berlin
VAT No: DE 190494186
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Jakub Westfal
Marie de Vries
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Urban Media Project GmbH & Co. KG
Technical implementation of the website
nicami GmbH
bloomimages Berlin GmbH
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